
What is Swagger?

Swagger is the major framework for documented APIs employing a common language, easily understandable, and enabling the event across the entire API lifecycle, including documentation, design, testing, and deployment.

The framework provides a group of tools that help programmers generate client or server code and install self-generated documentation for web services.

Swagger may be a framework for describing your API employing a common language that everybody can understand. Consider it as a blueprint for a house. You’ll use whatever building materials you wish, but you cannot step outside the parameters of the blueprint. Other available frameworks have gained some popularity, like RAML, APIBlueprint, and Summation. But Swagger provides more benefits than simply helping create clear documentation.

Why Swagger?

In the software industry, the API landscape is facing an identical issue. Great code is crucial for contemporary businesses, and therefore the best way for us to attach and share data is through APIs. But there is no industry standard for designing APIs and documenting them.

APIs are alleged to connect engineers and permit the sharing of great developments. APIs let companies like Twilio add value to other products and make an ecosystem of shared knowledge. But an API is merely valuable if it’s accessible.

Terrible documentation is simply as useless as a clock that tells the incorrect time. So developers have worked hard to seek out how to standardize the vocabulary surrounding APIs. That’s where it comes in. It is essentially a group of rules (specification) and tooling for a way to semantically describe APIs. Practically, it is a language-agnostic tool that gets everyone on an equivalent page.

Swagger framework tools and benefits

It provides a group of great tools for designing APIs and improving the work with web services:

  • Editor – enables us to write down API documentation, design and describe new APIs, and edit the prevailing ones. The primary open-source editor visually renders OAS/Swagger’s definition with error handling and real-time feedback.
  • Codegen – allows developers to get client library code for various platforms. Because the tool facilitates the dev process by creating server stubs and client SDKs, software engineers get the power to faster build your API and better specialize in its adoption.
  • UI – allows engineers to urge self-generated documentation for various platforms. The UI may be a fully customizable tool that will be hosted in any environment. An excellent plus is that it enables developers to save lots of tons of your time for API documentation.
  • Inspector – for testing and automatically generating OpenAPI documentation for required API. Swagger Inspector allows you to simply validate and test APIs without any limits on what you test. Tests are automatically saved within the cloud with easy access.


It provides benefits to create clear documentation.

  • It’s comprehensible for developers and non-developers. Product managers, partners, and even potential clients can have input into the planning of your API because they will see it planned out during this friendly UI.
  • It’s human-readable and computer-readable. This suggests that not only can this be shared with your team internally, but equivalent documentation is often wont to automate API-dependent processes.
  • It’s easily adjustable. This creates excessive testing and debugging API problems.
  • Another important point is that equivalent documentation is often used for accelerating various API-dependent processes.
  • Manage Different Teams and Projects – People are the foremost important assets of the API lifecycle, and managing them effectively can make all the difference in your API program. It provides to create teams and manage them through SwaggerHub. The Projects feature in SwaggerHub also allows you to make folders with different APIs and permission levels so APIs are often better organized, shared, and accessed by the proper stakeholders.
  • These benefits not only make developers’ lives easier, but they create the API more consumable. Any API that adheres to the Swagger spec is straightforward to read, easy to iterate, and straightforward to consume. That’s why big companies like Netflix, Akana, and Yelp have already jumped on the Swagger train.

The Rise of Design-First APIs

With this blueprint in mind, there are main ways to require advantage of Swagger:

  • A top-down approach, or design-first. This suggests you’re using Swagger to style your API before you’ve written any actual code.
  • A bottom-up approach, or code-first. This suggests you’ve already written the code for your API, and you will be using Swagger to document your API.
  • A large community and support-base
  • High adoption rate, meaning much documentation
  • Strong framework support
  • Has the most important language support of any open-source framework

The problems with Swagger:

YAML is that the new XSD

This is a misusage problem, not a drag from it is intrinsically. Nevertheless, I even have seen it in several projects. People think the YAML file is the new XSD, which suggests they treat the YAML file as a schema and just want it to get the client model. However, many problems arise with this behavior.

Nobody reads the documentation anymore.

In one particular project, we’ve experienced tons of misunderstandings when a team tries to consume an API by blindly generating the client code and not reading what the APIs does. The sole interesting bits are the structure of the model, the URL, and therefore the HTTP method. These are just API details. The value of an API is what it does, what it enables, but nobody seems to worry.

No, this is often not a its problem. However, I even have experienced that a lot of people just want to use swagger to quickly generate code and implement the client’s API. Swagger is like an enabler of this behavior.

Swagger is URI Centric

The URI may be a detail of the API and most of them are dynamically created by the service provider via Hypermedia. Swagger focuses heavily on URIs.

No Hypermedia support

Swagger doesn’t support Hypermedia. It’s been considered but as of now Hypermedia remains not supported.

Not work in microservice

Another thing is that Swagger doesn’t work in a microservices environment, a minimum of not with Spring MVC. Swagger must be inside the build with the rest controller, so it suggests you’ll be including Swagger into every microservice deployment and for multiple Swagger JSON files.