
What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source tool designed to custom it easier to make, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, like libraries and other dependencies, and deploy it together with the package. By doing so, because of the container, the developer can rest assured that the appliance will run on the other Linux machine no matter any customized settings that machines may need that would differ from the machine used for writing and testing the code.

In a way, It may be a bit sort of a virtual machine. But unlike a virtual machine, instead of creating an entire virtual OS, It allows applications to use an equivalent Linux kernel because the system that they are running on and only needs applications to be shipped with things not already executing on the host computer. This provides a big performance boost and reduces the dimensions of the appliance.

History of Docker:

Five years ago, Solomon Hykes helped found a business, Docker, which sought to form containers easy to use. With the discharge of Docker 1.0 in June 2014, the excitement became a roar. And, over the years, it’s only got louder. All the noise is occurring because corporations are adopting it at an exciting rate. In July 2014 at OSCon, I saw numerous businesses that had already moved their server applications from virtual machines (VM) to containers.

Today, it, and its open-source father now named Moby, is greater than ever. Consistent with Docker, over 3.5 million applications are placed in containers using the technology, and over 37 billion containerized applications are downloaded.


Docker follows Client-Server architecture, which incorporates the three main components that are Docker Client, Host, and Registry.

  • Client: Docker client uses commands and REST APIs to speak with the Docker Daemon (Server). When a client runs any command on the client terminal, the client terminal sends these commands to the daemon. The daemon receives these commands from the client within the sort of command and REST API’s request.

Docker Client uses instruction Interface (CLI) to run the subsequent commands –

docker build

docker pull

docker run

  • Host: Docker Host is employed to supply an environment to execute and run applications. It contains the daemon, images, containers, networks, and storage.
  • Registry: Docker Registry manages and stores the images.

There are two sorts of registries within the Docker –

Public Registry – Public Registry is additionally called a hub.

Private Registry – it’s wont to share images within the enterprise.

Docker Features

Although it provides many features, we are listing some major features which are given below.

Easy and Faster Configuration: This is an important feature of it is that advantages us to configure the system easier and faster. We can deploy our code in less time and energy. As it is often utilized in a good sort of environment, the wants of the infrastructure are not any longer linked with the environment of the appliance.

Increase productivity: By easing technical configuration and rapid deployment of the application. Little question its increased productivity. it not only helps to execute the appliance in an isolated environment but also it’s reduced the resources.

Application Isolation: It provides containers that are wont to run applications in the isolation environment. Each container is independent of a difference and allows us to execute any quiet application.

Swarm: It is a clustering and scheduling tool for the containers. Swarm uses the Docker API as its front, which helps us to use various tools to regulate it. It also helps us to regulate a cluster of the hosts as one virtual host. 

Routing Mesh: It routes the incoming requests for published ports on available nodes to a lively container. This feature enables the connection albeit there’s no task running on the node.

Services: Services may be a list of tasks that lets us specify the state of the container inside a cluster. Each task represents one instance of a container that ought to be running and Swarm schedules them across nodes.

Return on Investment and price Savings: it’s first advantage is ROI. Especially for giant, established companies, which require steady revenue over the future, the answer is merely better if it can drive down costs while raising profits. 

Security Management: It allows us to save lots of secrets into the swarm itself then prefer to give services access to certain secrets.

CI Efficiency: With the assistance of a it, we will build a container image and may further use that very same image over every step of the deployment process. The advantage of it’s the power to separate non-dependent steps and also run them in parallel. Additionally, the duration of your time it takes from build to production may speed up notably.


Some disadvantages of Docker are:

Missing features: There are plenty of feature requests that are under progress, like container self-registration, and self-inspects, copying files from the host to the container, and lots more.

Data within the container: There are times when a container goes down, so then, it needs a backup and recovery strategy, and although we’ve several solutions for that they’re not automated or not very scalable yet.

Provide cross-platform compatibility: The one major issue is that if an application designed to run during a Docker container on Windows, then it can’t run on Linux or the other way around. However, Virtual machines aren’t subject to the present limitation.

Run applications with graphical interfaces: In general, it is meant for hosting applications that run on the instruction. Though we have a couple of ways by which we will make it possible to run a graphical interface inside a Docker container, however, this is often heavy. Hence we will say, for applications that need rich interfaces, it isn’t an honest solution.

Solve all of your security problems: In simple words, we’d like to gauge the Docker-specific security risks and confirm we will handle them before moving workloads to Docker. The rationale behind it’s that Docker creates new security challenges just like the difficulty of monitoring multiple moving pieces within a large-scale, dynamic Docker environment.