Blog post
Do you want to post your blog here ?
We can post your blog here just send us your content not more than 50 – 60 words and mark 2 anchor text with 2 hyperlinks. And in return we will send you our content not more than 50 – 60 words so you can post on your domain. Please send your content to Or you can contact us with your content by clicking on contact us button at the bottom of the website.
You just need to send your blog not more than 50 – 60 words to the following email we will post your content within 24 – 48 hours and will send you the link for your blog. If your content is valid it will be there for ever on our domain. In return, you will post one of our content on your domain and send us the link to our content on your domain.
How long will the blog post be live on our domain?
Your blog post will be online permanently on our domain forever. We expect our blog to be permanent on your domain as well. Once we post your blog we will send you the link, and we expect the same from you as well.
What type of content do we allow and for which industries ?
We welcome blog post from multiple industries like manufacturing, sales, retail, consulting, accounting, technology, medical and many more.
We allow any type of content as long as it is a valid content and it is not related to adult, politics, drugs or spam. Below are the contents that are not allowed to post.
You blog content can’t contain or target people with unsolicited images or videos that contain graphic violence, related to adult, or hateful images; and
your content cannot include violence, adult, or hateful messages or pictures within live video, profile, header, or List banner pictures.
Your content must not be named in a manner that is confusing or misleads your readers into thinking that you are another person or spy from a company. For example, your blog’s link or name is not the same name of a person other than yourself like representing on behalf is not allowed or representing a company other than your own.
Payments and renewals ?
It is absolutely free you can post your content here in any of the below categories.
- Accounting
- Technology
- Manufacturing & Retail
- Sales & Marketing
- Medical
- Hospitality
- Finance
- Consulting